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Thatch Roofs

Thatch Roofs: What Are They and Why They Matter

Do you hope to build a new building with thatched roofs? Perhaps you have a building with one that needs repairs. You are unsure how to take steps to repair it properly. This is when our team at Tiki Huts can help you. We have a long history of helping clients to make repairs and to replace their existing thatch roofs. Doing so can help to ensure the value of your property while also safeguarding everything within it. If you are interested in building from scratch, we can help you with your thatch roof as well.

Why Choose Thatch Roofs?

There are many reasons to invest in thatch for your roofing material. The term thatching refers to a method of building a roof in which dry vegetation is used. We take these long pieces of vegetation and layer them and weave them together to create a structurally sound, highly durable roof covering. Around the world, thatch has been used in this manner. People have used straw, water reeds, rushes, palm branches, and other materials to create them. We offer both natural and synthetic thatch roofs.

Traditionally used in tropical climates, thatch offers many benefits. It is a very eco-friendly option for roofing material, especially when compared to the asphalt products often used today. Those products are very much bad for the environment. There are other benefits, too.

For example, thatch roofs are very durable and long lasting. When done well, it does not require much maintenance. These roofing materials are designed to last for decades without much worry about them. More so, the roof is much lighter than other types of structural designs. As a result, it requires less overall timber and strength in the design of the property.

How to Get Started

If you have thatched roofs now, or you need to consider updating your existing roof and want to make the change, contact Tiki Huts today. Our team will work closely with you to determine what type of product is right for you. We offer natural products as well as synthetic thatch roofs that are highly effective and even longer lasting. We encourage you to learn more about the thatch process, too. Our professionals can provide you with one-on-one information about what to expect, what type of maintenance you need to do, and what overall benefits this roofing option can offer to you.
It all starts with a consultation. Let Tiki Huts come to you to discuss your needs. We are confident you will find our years of experience and superior workmanship to be one of the best reasons to put us to work on your home’s roof. Now is an excellent chance to get started and to learn more about this application for your residential or commercial building.

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